be Jason: Household Supplies

“Remember when there was a toilet paper shortage?” -Brigid “I had to resort to one-ply. It was awful! -Jason Jason (of laundry episode fame) is back with Brigid and Elizabeth discussing sundries, the group’s new favorite word! Join them as they discuss how to get organized with the aim of avoiding the shopping mishaps that we’ve all had-not coming home from the store with what you need, coming home with more than what you need, and running out of something key at just the worst time (read: toilet paper!) Listen in and then tap through to download the printable!

“Remember when there was a toilet paper shortage?” -Brigid

I had to resort to one-ply. It was awful!” -Jason

We’ve all been there ... you get home from the grocery store and realize that you, in fact, do not have more toilet paper and you most definitely should have picked some up while you were shopping. Or, perhaps you get home from Costco, immensely proud of your recent finds (they had your favorite paper towels on sale!) and yet you have absolutely nowhere to store your newfound stock of goods!

Jason is back with us in this episode to chat through how to avoid such sundries shopping screw-ups and the biggest takeaway is pretty simple, and obvious: organize! (Still Brigid’s favorite mantra, for sure.) Yet, it’s so hard to accomplish in reality. We feel you!

So, how does one organize to be sure they avoid the last-minute, we’re-out-of-the-most-important-item situations? A master sundries list, made available to everyone in the household who uses, or purchases, items that are regularly used.

Jason’s tips:

  • Create your list: Download ours (delivered to your inbox when you subscribe), find one online, or make your own in Excel.
  • Organize your list by grouping like items:
  • Paper Products (things like paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex, napkins, paper plates, recycle bags, plastic silverware, etc.)
  • Cleaning Supplies (sponges, toilet bowl cleaner, floor cleaner, Windex ,etc.)
  • Laundry Supplies [Jason’s list] (detergent, dryer sheets, vinegar, stain spray, bleach, etc.)
  • Baby/Kid Supplies (diapers, wipes, food pouches, snacks, etc.)
  • Personal Care/Medicine (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, etc. + vitamins, pain relievers, Band-Aids, cold medicine, etc.)
  • Print it and post it in a spot where everyone can see it and update it. It could be laminated on a bulletin board, or taped to the inside of your pantry door, or even on your dry erase board (like Elizabeth’s family command station!)
  • Have your family help! When they use the last of an item, or notice that something is running low, have them note it on the master list!
  • Walk into the store, each time, knowing exactly what you need, and how much room you’ve got to store it, every. single. time. You can take your lists with you, or even snap a pic of them on your way to shop, either way = WIN!!
  • Bonus: If you’re super into organizing, and like to make labels for storage bins in each of your cabinets (ahem, you should totally do this!) all you’ll need to do is look at your lists and you’ll know what all you need to label!